What You Need to Know If You Want to Run for Council
Have you thought about getting into municipal politics? Giving back to your community through public service?
The Springfield Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The Clipper Weekly, is sponsoring a ‘What You Need to Know If You Want to Run for Council’ event. This pre-election information session will be held on May 25 at 7 p.m. at the Springfield Public Library in Dugald.
Individuals who have been elected serve an important role in their municipality. As an elected local government, council charts the course of a municipality into the future. They make decisions that affect every resident and property owner in the municipality. Considerable trust has been placed in council to govern the municipality objectively, fairly and most importantly, with the public’s best interest in mind.
The upcoming What You Need to Know If You Want to Run for Council event will provide information and advice for those interested in running for a council position in the October municipal elections. The format will include a Q&A session and panel discussion.
Two speakers currently lined up to address the gathering include RM of Springfield senior election official Gloria Widerski and former Springfield councillor Shandy Walls. At least one more speaker from the field of municipal administration is planned. “Take it from me, there are dozens of reasons you want to attend this session if you are even considering running for local council; time commitments, meeting schedules, how effective you can actually be if you have a specific agenda, the actual role of elected officials vs. staff… the list goes on and on,” Walls said. “I went in blindly, and to this day I wish I would have more thoroughly educated myself.”
The event can be attended in person or via zoom, and participants who register early will receive an advance information package from Elections Manitoba.
For more information, please reach out to the chamber via email at info@springfieldcommerce.com or call 204-470-0272.